Area where we have strongest muscles and ability to make an impact and unlock value.
Seed-stage, product exists, some market traction, initial target customers identified, key functions in place and/or alignment on hiring needs.
More opportunity for innovation in B2B; homogeneous needs across buyers enables more efficient customer diligence, low churn.
Software platforms solving business problems; the ‘picks-and-shovels’ of B2B software; removing the worst parts of the workflow; painkillers not vitamins; real-time access and support; becoming platforms and not features of a platform.
$1B+ opportunities, disrupting stagnant industries, creating new categories, targeting white space opportunities.
Where unicorns are born.
Software as a Service, B2B and “small B” Marketplaces, Platforms, SMB and Enterprise Software.
Recurring revenue, can be made frictionless, clear exit ramps, pools of ready buyers, multiple of top line.
Relentless pre-investment focus on assessing leadership’s aptitude / attitude / instincts for scaling. Must be coachable; egos cannot interfere with their ability to listen and apply.